Trail Life Troop MN-2120 of Grace Lutheran Church formed in January 2024. The troop meets on the first and third Mondays of every month during the school year. Throughout the year, the troop will also "Hit the Trail" with service projects, campouts, hikes, and other outdoor, recreational and educational activities.

Trail Life USA Program Overview

For more information: Contact Pastor Malm, the Senior Ministry Leader/Chaplain.

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure.

Vision Statement

Our Vision is to be the premier national character development organization for young men, which produces godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens.

Core Leadership Team

  • Pastor Elliott Malm, Senior Ministry Leader/Chaplain
  • Keith Gottschalk, Troop Ministry Liaison
  • John Rasmussen, Troopmaster
  • Daniel Blezek, Committee Chairperson

"Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10 ESV)."
